
Showing posts with the label motivational

Food For Thought: The Mystery Of Why We Continue To Overeat?

  Picture this: You’re sitting at a cozy café, sunlight streaming through the window, and a plate of warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies in front of you. The aroma dances around your senses, and before you know it, you’ve devoured three cookies. Sound familiar? We’ve all been there—caught in the tantalizing grip of overeating, putting on unwanted pounds, and then turning to solutions available for losing weight. But why do we do it? Why does that second slice of pizza beckon to us like a siren, even when our stomachs protest?   A question that has puzzled researchers for ages.  So, let’s dive into the fascinating world of our appetites, cravings, and the complex dance between our minds and our forks. The Case of Ultra-Processed Foods Obesity researcher Kevin Hall made a splash with his study on ultra-processed foods. His findings revealed that these foods, think ready-made meals, sugary cereals, and snacks galore, led people to eat more and put on weight. But what's the secr

Weight Loss Isn't Rocket Science; Successfully Losing Weight And Sustaining It Without Going Crazy Pt2

Understanding the Basics: It’s About Daily Choices Weight loss might seem to be shrouded in complex diet plans and rigorous workout routines, yet at its heart, it's about the simple principle of burning more calories than you consume. But simplicity doesn't necessarily mean it's easy; your daily decisions will be a major determining factor in your weight loss battle . Why do we reach for a snack? Is it hunger, habit, or some emotion and self-gratification that is driving us? It's not merely about choosing a salad over a burger; it's understanding the why behind our choices. Small, consistent, healthy choices are the cornerstone of weight loss success. Read the preceding sentence again. Each day presents opportunities to make decisions that align with our health goals. Choosing to take the stairs, opting for water over soda, or preparing a home-cooked meal rather than ordering takeout—these choices add up. Metabolic function plays a key role here; it's not j

Weight Loss Isn't Rocket Science; Losing Weight Without Going Crazy, Pt 1!

Weight Loss is a Multibillion dollar a year business in the United States.  Showing people how to lose weight effectively has become big business in the U.S.  We are constantly bombarded daily, almost every commercial break starts with fast food commercials, snacks, and every other type of food you can think of.  America's advertisers make absolutely sure we are thinking of food constantly.   One other major problem is refined sugar.  Never before has the amounts of sugar and salts been used in foods like it is today.  While salts in high levels create problems of their own it is the excessively large amounts of sugars consumed by Americans these days that is our concern for weight loss. Studies have shown that both men and women consume approximately 16 - 20 teaspoons of added sugar in their diets each day.  That adds up to around 60 pounds of added sugar consumed yearly.  These statistics are even worse for children, teens, and young adults, ages (3-20).  It is reported that they